Lefton, LewWei, Dongming2016-11-232016-11-232003Lew Lefton and Dongming Wei; 2003; Penalty finite element approximations of the stationary power- law Stokes problem; Journal of Numerical Mathematics; http://nur.nu.edu.kz/handle/123456789/1918http://nur.nu.edu.kz/handle/123456789/1918Finite element approximations of the stationary power-law Stokes problem using penalty formulation are considered. A priori error estimates under appropriate smoothness assumptions on the solutions are established without assuming a discrete version of the BB condition. Numerical solutions are presented by implementing a nonlinear conjugate gradient methodenAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United StatesPower-law flowspenalty methodstationary Stokes problemnon-Newtonian flowsfinite element methodconvergence and error estimatesBB conditionPenalty finite element approximations of the stationary power- law Stokes problemArticle