Montgomery, Philip2016-02-262016-02-262015-04-23 paper explores the potential of using blogs in the Academic English classroom, especially in an international foreign language setting. The main topics covered include 1) the broad shifts in pedagogy toward student autonomy and engagement; 2) the specific improvements to English writing fluency; 3) the hurdles students and instructors face in participating in open, online communication; and 4) the practical steps needed to set up and implement a class blog.enAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United Statesblogsacademic EnglishEnglish classroominternational foreign language settingpedagogyautonomyengagementResearch Subject Categories::SOCIAL SCIENCES::Social sciences::EducationDid you read my new post?: improving autonomy, English, and engagement through class blogsVII International Conference Building Cultural BridgesArticle