Calculations of the ground states of BeH and BeH+ without the Born-Oppenheimer approximation
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Bubin, Sergiy
Adamowicz, Ludwik
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Non-Born-Oppenheimer variational calculations employing explicitly correlated Gaussian basis functions have been performed for the ground states of the beryllium monohydride molecule BeH and its ion BeH+ , as well as for the beryllium atom Be and its ion Be+ . An approach based on the analytical energy gradient calculated with respect to the Gaussian exponential parameters was employed. The calculated energies were used to determine the ionization potential of BeH and the
dissociation energies of BeH and BeH+. Also, the generated wave functions were used to compute various expectation values, such as the average interparticle distances and the nucleus-nucleus correlation functions
Research Subject Categories::NATURAL SCIENCES::Physics, non-Born-Oppenheimer variational calculations
Sergiy Bubin, Ludwik Adamowicz; 2007; Calculations of the ground states of BeH and BeH+ without the Born-Oppenheimer approximation; THE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS