Reionization in the dark and the light from Cosmic Microwave Background
Hazra, Dhiraj Kumar
Paoletti, Daniela
Finelli, Fabio
Smoot, George F.
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NURIS; Energetic Cosmos Laboratory
We explore the constraints on the history of reionization from Planck 2015 CosmicMicrowave Background (CMB) data and we derive the forecasts for future CMB observations.We consider a class of monotonic histories of reionization as parametrized by two additionalextra parameters with respect to the average optical depth used in the instantaneous reion-ization modeling. We investigate the degeneracies between the history of reionization andselected extensions of the standard cosmological model. In particular, we consider the de-generacies with the total mass of the neutrino sector and we discuss the possible correlationbetween the dark matter annihilation and the duration of reionization in the CMB. We usean extension to poly-reion model that was proposed in [1]. We compare the constraints fromPlanck 2015 data with the predicted constraints from possible future CMB mission as Lite-BIRD, and we also use the proposed CORE-like specifications as an example of what higherresolution can bring in addition. We find that the degeneracy between the averaged opticaldepth and the duration of reionization will be substantially removed by both concepts. De-generacies between the reionization history and either the total neutrino mass and propertiesof dark matter annihilation will also be improved by future surveys. We find only marginalimprovement in the constraints on reionization history for the higher resolution in the caseof long duration of reionization.
The 2nd international conference of the Energetic Cosmos Laboratory (ECL), Energetic Cosmos Laboratory (ECL), ECL19
Hazra, D. K., Paoletti, D., Finelli, F., & Smoot, G. F. (2018). Reionization in the dark and the light from Cosmic Microwave Background. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2018(9).